    HomeScamsEmail scamsHow to Protect Yourself from Scammers: Tips from Cybersecurity Experts

    How to Protect Yourself from Scammers: Tips from Cybersecurity Experts

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    Every day, Scamalytics receives numerous reports of financial fraud. People worldwide are getting conned by internet scammers every minute because we understand that bank account information is valuable to them. We all like to believe that we’re immune to scams. We laugh at emails from an unknown sender offering us £2 million in exchange for our bank details. However, the game has changed, and scam artists have developed new, terrifying methods. They are taking a personal approach and browsing the internet for all possible information about us—including our names, addresses, and even what we had for breakfast this morning—to prey on us.

    This is called ‘phishing,’ a sophisticated form of fraud that is on the rise. In the first half of 2017, there were more than 100,000 reported cases in the UK – a 20% increase from the previous year. And it’s not just individuals who are being targeted. Businesses are also at risk, with scammers impersonating employees and trying to trick them into transferring money to their accounts.

    So, how can you protect yourself from these cunning crooks? Here are some tips from cybersecurity experts:

    Keep your personal information private

    Be careful about what you share online, and think twice before posting anything on social media. If you wouldn’t tell a stranger your address or date of birth, don’t post it online.

    Be suspicious of unsolicited emails and requests for personal information

    If you get an email from someone you don’t know or a request for personal information out of the blue, be very cautious. Legitimate organizations will never ask for sensitive information like your password or bank details in an email.

    Cybercriminals can use these emails to install malicious software on your devices that can steal your personal information. If you’re questioning the validity of an email, forward it to the organization it claims to come from (you can check if their address ends with Do not open attachments or click any links before doing this safety measure.

    Keep your software and apps up to date

    Installing the latest security updates is one of the best ways to protect your devices from being hacked. So, when a new update becomes available, install it as soon as possible.

    Back up your important files

    If you become a cybercrime victim, having a recent backup of your files could be a lifesaver. Keep copies of important documents like photos and financial records in a safe place, like an external hard drive or cloud storage.

    Be careful about what you share online

    Consider what you post on social media and think twice before sharing anything online. If you wouldn’t tell a stranger your address or date of birth, don’t post it online.

    Bottom line

    Be vigilant and take steps to protect yourself and your business from scammers. Cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated, so it’s vital to stay one step ahead.

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